Friday, November 4, 2011

how does the internet work? i swear it told me wrong user name and password. yet there it is when i sign in on the home comp, the same picture that was denied? hmm. denied??? GLITCH.<:>"

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

hey how are ya? [IM FINE!]

today is the door to the rest of my life. save > pass.
this girl is crazy o_O [aren't we all]? crazy i mean. not girls, maybe not.[crazy] but gnarles barkley seems to think so though so iono .ce lo?

i cant believe how much of the shit i am. n it aint even shitty. its quite nice might i add?

looks like some math but i mean it is. so whatever dude. im in tha dungeon. where u at? i mean i'd rather be out unlockin broken blocks. but i mean. teams strong? i dont know. im tryina get my gwap up tho, i kno that. on me on mine. sup wut it do. wit chu n all ego, i mean u carry the football like u grown n proud. bdrop down n get yo eegol on girl, sheit

tEk tac tiCz /03-211 o=1, o=0. [do the math] seriously.:-)